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Static Keyword in Java

The static keyword can be used for variables, methods, code blocks, and inner classes to indicate that a particular member belongs only to a class itself, and not to an object of that class.

Shallow Copy and Deep Copy in JAVA

Cloning is a process of creating an exact copy of an existing object in the memory. In java, clone() method of java.lang.Object class is used for cloning process. This method creates an exact copy of an object on which it is called through field-by-field assignment and returns the reference of that object. Not all the objects in java are eligible for cloning process. The objects which implement Cloneable interface are only eligible for cloning process. Cloneable interface is a marker interface which is used to provide the marker to cloning process. Click here to see more info on clone() method in java.

Git Contribution

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Various data types in C

C/C++ provides various data types that can be used in your programs.In general, you’d commonly use: int for most variables and “countable” things (for loop counts, variables, events). char for characters and strings. float for general measurable things (seconds, distance, temperature). uint32 for bit manipulations, especially on 32-bit registers.

The size of structure in C

The sizeof for a struct is not always equal to the sum of sizeof of each individual member. This is because of the padding added by the compiler to avoid alignment issues. Padding is only added when a structure member is followed by a member with a larger size or at the end of the structure.