Thoughts come and go swiftly, occasionally lingering here

Color Grading DJI D-Cinelike Footage in DaVinci Resolve

This blog post will focus on color grading in DaVinci Resolve. It will introduce DJI’s D-Cinelike, D-Log color profiles, Sony camera S-Log, and explain the differences between these log formats and normal color profiles. The goal is to provide a tutorial for colorists on how to get the most out of log footage when color grading in DaVinci Resolve.

Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Swagger with Spring

In the development process, the interface documentation is a crucial part. It not only facilitates developers in viewing and understanding the functionality and parameters of the interfaces but also helps in coordinating the work between the front-end and back-end development, thereby improving development efficiency. This article will introduce how to use Swagger in Spring Boot to automatically generate interface documentation.

Chart of Ionizing Radiation Doses Absorbed by Individuals

This is a chart of the ionizing radiation dose a person can absorb from various sources. The unit for absorbed dose is “Sievert” (Sv), and measures the effect a dose of radiation will have on the cells of the body. One sievert (all at once) will make you sick, and too many more will kill you, but we safely absorb small amounts of natural radiation daily.

FRM Part Ⅰ: Quantitative Analysis

The Quantitative Analysis is Chapter 2 of Part 1 for the FRM exam. This chapter primarily covers probability and statistics, hypothesis testing and estimation, time series analysis, risk management and portfolio management, and derivatives and risk models.